A network of networks for AMR surveillance: 

Connecting Surveillance Networks, Groups, and Researchers.

The Global Health Network is a vast and highly engaged community comprised of healthcare workers and researchers from the Global South and also organizations who drive and support health research; collectively using this platform to access each other, share information, training, and resources. The aim of The Global Health Network is to enable locally-led evidence generation in diseases, communities, and settings where vital evidence is lacking. 

We would like to develop and enable a network of networks, connecting groups, networks, and individuals working in AMR surveillance. Through this network of networks, researchers and other stakeholders working in AMR surveillance from different regions can form interdisciplinary collaborations. 

The intention here is to create a facility such that anyone working in AMR surveillance can ask others about their data sets and get advice on how to develop a harmonizable dataset; perform new analyses on existing datasets; work together to answer new questions collaboratively; collaborate to report routine AMR profiles of the common pathogens across regions, and develop a strategy or position paper on AMR pathogens profiles regionally and globally.

Are you a researcher working in AMR surveillance or do you represent a surveillance network? Would you like to collaborate with other researchers across the globe, then please indicate your interest here and we will be in touch! We look forward to hearing back from you and hope we can work together to support a strong and equitable global research response to the silent pandemic of AMR.