Find a selection of surveys and studies for you to get involved in to help drive AMR research in LMICs

WHO Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19   |   The African Union (AU) Taskforce on AMR KAP survey

WHO Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19

Global understanding of COVID-19's clinical features in different regions of the world and its subpopulations is still incomplete. The WHO Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19 is an initiative designed to respond to this problem. It represents a global effort to support the pandemic response through global data sharing.

The COVID-19 Platform is an online data repository which facilitates rapid and systematic collection and analysis of anonymized individual clinical data of individuals with COVID-19. As of September 1, 2021, the Platform has received over 550 000 records of hospitalized individuals with confirmed/suspected COVID-19 from 39 countries, and data contribution continues to expand. At present, the platform is collecting data on antibiotic use to assess the antimicrobial implications among individuals hospitalized with COVID-19. Information comprises data on the specific antibiotic prescribed, the use of empiric versus targeted antibiotic therapy and incidence of hospital acquired infections, including from resistant pathogens.

Sharing your data with WHO will help countries and facilities ensure that development of WHO guidelines for clinical management of COVID-19 is evidence-based. The terms of use can be found here. Your data will contribute to the:

  • Characterization of the key clinical features of COVID-19 to increase understanding of the severity, spectrum, and impact of the disease in the population globally, in different regions and countries, and among vulnerable groups and to inform clinical management guidance and vaccination strategies.
  • Characterization of clinical interventions to assist countries and WHO with operational planning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A report describing clinical features, risk factors and outcomes of COVID-19 among people living with HIV hospitalized with COVID-19 has been published.

Real-time information on clinical data shared through the WHO Clinical Platform are publicly available through the WHO Clinical Platform.

If you are willing to contribute data, please register to the WHO Global Clinical Platform by accessing this webpage.

The African Union (AU) Taskforce on AMR KAP survey

The African Union (AU) Taskforce on AMR has developed a standardized knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) survey for key AMR stakeholder groups including pharmacists, healthcare workers, veterinarians, farmers, and other human and animal healthcare stakeholders involved in the use, prescription, and distribution or sale of antimicrobials in humans and animals.
As you may be aware, many national action plans developed by AU member states for mitigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) call for regular, nation-wide assessment of AMR and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) KAP among these key stakeholder group. However, few countries have conducted such surveys. Such surveys are imperative to understanding baseline KAP, variance across countries, and changes overtime. These surveys will also help to identify key areas for intervention and investment and to monitor and evaluate policy changes and other AMR mitigation efforts at the national, regional, and continental levels. As the survey is ongoing, we cordially invite and appreciate your participation in these surveys, available in English and French.
Survey on Antimicrobial Resistance & Stewardship for Healthcare Workers & Pharmacists
Survey on Antimicrobial Resistance & Stewardship for Animal Health & Agricultural Stakeholders
Survey on Antimicrobial Resistance & Stewardship for Public