Building sustainable implementation/operational research capacity is critical to generate and promote the use of evidence on the emergence, spread and health impact of AMR for tackling this global problem.

Most countries have developed national action plans which include research priorities addressing country needs and aligned with the Global Action Plan on AMR. The integration of operational research activities within national strategic plans is key to improved policy and/or programme practice for preventing the emergence and spread of AMR. 

On this page, you have access to a community of practice at national and international levels through north-south and south-south links for AMR operational research capacity building using a bottom-up approach. This is achieved through engagement with stakeholders at country level for expanded use and analysis of routine programme data to monitor progress in real time.


TDR - Structured Operational Research and Training IniTiative (SORT IT)

SORT IT is a global partnership-based initiative coordinated by TDR, The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, and implemented with ministries of health and various partners. It supports countries to build sustainable capacity to conduct and publish operational research and use the evidence for informed decision-making to improve public health. The goal is to make countries “data-rich, information-rich and action rich”. At the start of 2019, TDR, with the support of the government of the United Kingdom, launched a SORT IT programme focused on tackling AMR in Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, Myanmar, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Uganda. Find out more about SORT IT and how this initiative is helping to build sustainable operational research capacity to tackle AMR. Read a WHO news article about the initiative. The 2021 AMR-SORT IT  annual report details activities and highlights the launch of an online training platform, new developments in disseminating and communicating research findings and lessons learned.

The WHO TDR programme report on implementation research to inform AMR national action plans - AMR-SORT IT
This is an annual report of the progress, achievements, and challenges of the global partnership-based initiative coordinated by TDR, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, and WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases to tackle antimicrobial resistance. You can also read more about other TDR AMR activities and success stories or lessons learned here!!!

Developing National Strategies to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance across countries in the Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EEMEA) region: A pilot analysis of Egypt, Russia and South Africa
Focused on countries in EEMEA region, the report provides a policy analysis of different NAPs highlighting areas were lessons can be learned.

Removing the blindfold on antimicrobial resistance 
This report describes the experiences of an Ethiopian team of researchers expanding bacteriology laboratory capacity for AMR testing in their country and underscores the divide between high-level AMR control recommendations and the reality in the field.

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Antimicrobial Use, Resistance, and Stewardship in Africa  
A report on the preliminary findings of the KAP survey activity related to AMR, AMU, and AMS among the general public in Africa. The data presented captures primarily well-educated, urban-dwelling respondents in only 15 of 54 AU member states.